
Monday, May 2, 2016

Stalingrad in 15mm - FOW

A bunch of us met at Ralph's house for a great game set in Stalingrad.  This was using his very nice (and extensive) collection of 15mm WWII minis.  Also, it was the first time I had played Flames Of War.  Now, I have had a 'view' of FOW for many years that has been fostered by seeing the walls of tanks and uber [unrealistic] competition games of FOW.  But this game absolutely changed my mind.  I really liked the way the battles for the buildings was a see-sawign struggle.
Anyway, a few photos along the way.

The table from the Russians end

Brave sewer rats just before descending

One of the two Rifle coys

An SMG coy lying in wait to support the successful Rifle coy

Other Rifle coy and support at the start line

A fierce struggle as the German tunnel rats popped up behind us

Was enough to turn my tanks around to support an attempt to retake it

Right hand Rifle coy advancing 

It took a lot of punishment

SMG coy advances in support

German armour advancing


  1. Replies
    1. Ralph has spent a lot of time compiling and working on the terrain and it looked great and was great to play over.

  2. Replies
    1. Yep - really good day Richard. Looking forward to seeing your photos - your camera has a knack of taking good photos.

  3. Looks like a great game, nice scenery.
    Best Iain

    1. Iain it was a great game - a real enjoyable struggle. Plus the sledging from one end of the table to the other added to the experience ;)

  4. A great pity I could not make it, I was doing a little shopping for cloth with Nessa, that ended up taking the whole day. Hopefully will get the opportunity again soon.

  5. I haven't played FOW but fighting over this sort of terrain has to be an enjoyable experience. Superb.

  6. Very nice pictures and also very inspireing.I will start follow your projects.Love your scenery!

  7. Hi, very good table !!
    Please can you tell me where to buy theses buildings ?

    1. Thanks Yannick. The table isn’t mine but from what I remember most of them are from JR Miniatures.
