
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Aventine Sassanid Knight and Parthian Noble

Latest addition for the Sassanid army is a piece of eye candy with no use in a game (other than looking good).

It is a 28mm Aventine sculpt that is of a Sasdsanid Knight struggling in mortal combat with a Parthian Noble.  Wonderful sculpt from Aventine.

Next up for the army is another unit of Clibinari Cavalry and some foot archers - not sure what will get done first.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Sassanid Clibanarii cavalry

Next addition to the Sassanid army.  My first cavalry unit for them is a Clibinarii unit armed with spear and bows.  These are again by Aventine and I've done the shield with LBMS decals.  They are wonderful figures to paint.  

The Impetus lists allow a large number of these and I will be painting them :)


Monday, May 13, 2024

Sassanid King's Elephant from Aventine

This is the wonderfully sculpted King's Elephant from Aventine to add to my slowly growing Sassanid Army.  I have added a couple of Late Romans to the base to give it some context and to fill in space.  One is definitely Footsore and I think the other was Gripping Beast.  

The elephant is metal and I bought it some time ago.  I have recently acquired some others from Aventine and they are in resin so perhaps this has been redone in resin?   Being metal it is very heavy so there is pinning going on for the back two legs and I discovered a small stump of a bush in the pack that seemed to fit under the front left leg so I added that for additional support.

The blanket, shield design and the banner are all LBMS transfers. The patterns on the coats for the King and banner bearer are my work.

I took some inspiration from Phil Hendry's wonderfully painted Sassanid's in doing this. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Bronze Age Sea People v Myceanians

I ventured down the highway to the cold, drizzly and misty Southern Highlands for a semi-regular Thursday game. We had a great game today using the Impetus 2 rules.  It pitched Richard's Sea Peoples against Rex's Myceanians. 

This was a replay of a game last Thursday using the same armies - except last week Rex had brought the wrong list and so (unknowingly at the time) fielded an army only 80% of full strength.  So Richard and I were expecting a harder fight than last week and John was supporting Rex on the Myceanian side.

It was a wonderful game with the poor quality Sea Peole troops swarming around the Myceanian chariots as they became separated and picked off.  In the end we had a mutual break of armies on the same turn, so a draw.

As is the custom, we broke for a wonderful lunch of home cooked corned beef, potatoes and Italian style peas with flash sourdough from Bowral and a few bottles of red.        

And a few fashion poses of the great Sea People units

Friday, March 29, 2024

Italian Wars Stradiots

My first unit for the Italian Wars in a few years.  These are 4 light cavalry Stradiots using TAG miniatures in 28mm.

The horses have been painted with the oil wipe method as I have used in the past, which I like as it gives good depth to the colour and does not require much thought to get the highlights and shading in the correct places. As it is messy and takes some time to dry, it is not something that I want to do on 4 horses alone so there are another 8 (2 units of light cavalry) mounted crossbowmen that were done at the same time - the crossbowmen need to be painted.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

A Sassanid General and Drummer

Continuing with the Sassanid army I have just completed this command / vignette base with a Sassanid General and his Drummer overlooking the troops as they prepare for battle.  

The figures are from the great range produced by Aventine and the shield transfer is from LBMS.