I intend to use the Sands of Sudan rules published by Carlo Pagano based on the work of Peter Gilder. One of the attractions of the rules (especially with the 10mm figures) is that the units are large - 60 or 72 figure British Infantry battalions for instance and 48 camels in the Desert Column regiments.
I have plans for various desert buildings / huts, oasis, Khartoum and its walls as well as a ‘Nile’ with all that should accompany it - paddle steamers, native boats and of course a crocodile. I may paint some of the terrain during the challenge (once I get to 1200 points goal).
First up then are some Beja warriors - and I have discovered how hard it is to photograph 10mm figures, especially when they are dark skinned.
Then the first of three Desert Column camel regiments for the British - there will eventually also be Mahdist, sitting and baggage camels.