A bunch of us met at Ralph's house for a great game set in Stalingrad. This was using his very nice (and extensive) collection of 15mm WWII minis. Also, it was the first time I had played Flames Of War. Now, I have had a 'view' of FOW for many years that has been fostered by seeing the walls of tanks and uber [unrealistic] competition games of FOW. But this game absolutely changed my mind. I really liked the way the battles for the buildings was a see-sawign struggle.
Anyway, a few photos along the way.
The table from the Russians end |
Brave sewer rats just before descending |
One of the two Rifle coys |
An SMG coy lying in wait to support the successful Rifle coy |
Other Rifle coy and support at the start line |
A fierce struggle as the German tunnel rats popped up behind us |
Was enough to turn my tanks around to support an attempt to retake it |
Right hand Rifle coy advancing |
It took a lot of punishment |
SMG coy advances in support |
German armour advancing |