
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Finally finished something - Spanish Knights

It has taken me a long time - but they have finally been completed.  These knights were started in July and left as I did not get them completed in time to use at Wintercon with the new Spanish Impetus army.

They are TAG figures and based as a CP unit for Impetus.



  1. Happy new year!They look great,nice and clean, how do they compare to the foundry gendarmes for size? It's always a pleasure to see some of your renaissance work, looking forward to seeing some more soon!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain and best wishes for the new year as well. They are pretty good with the Foundry's - not really noticeable I think. Although I have not had them in the same unit.

      I am working my way through a range of started not finished projects so there may be a few more up pretty soon.
